Artwork Policy

Creation of Artwork – complete

The Creation of an Artwork in the context of this policy simply means the creating art from verbal, written, or other form of instructions.  This implies the creation of art from little or no pre-existing imaging from which the creation of a new art can be built from.  The new art will be in the form of Corel Draw X6 vector file format.

Creation of Artwork – Partial

The partial creation of artwork means that a concept already exists in the form of a physical or electronic sketch.  All that is needed is to create a professional looking art from an existing concept.  The new art will be in the form of Corel Draw X6 vector file format.

Creation of Artwork – Ready

The art is ready to be used.  It is received as vectored base file from one of the following format:

  • Corel Draw version 16 or below.  The file format is .cdr;
  • Adobe illustrator CS6 or below. The file format is .ai; or
  • Encapsulated Post script file.  The file format is .eps.

Stitch file Policy

Creation of a Stitch File – complete

The Creation of a Stitch File in the context of this policy simply means the creating an electronic file readable and executable by a commercial embroidery.  The file formats used are .ref, .xxx, and .emb.  The Stitch File is created from a vector file format or a ready to use .bmp or .jpg file.

Creation of a stitch File – Ready

The Stitch File is ready to be used.  It is received in one of the following format:

  • Compucon file format: .ref, .xxx;
  • Wilcom file format: .emb; or
  • Tajima file format: .dst

Artwork Cost Policy

Creation of Artwork – complete

The Cost for the Creation of a complete Artwork will be between $50.00 and $250 depending on the complexity of the artwork.

Creation of Artwork – Partial

The Cost for the Creation of a partial Artwork will be between $20 and $40 depending on the complexity of the artwork.

Creation of Artwork – Ready

The Cost for the Creation of a partial Artwork will be free of charge.

Creation of a Stitch File – Complete/Ready

The Cost for the Creation of a complete/ready Stitch File will be free of charge.

Extra information

As customer, you must supply DBES an image that captures precisely what needs to be digitized.  DBES will digitize the image and produce a prototype free of charge based on the image provided that at least one version is purchased.  Upon producing the first embroidered version, minor corrections maybe needed.  Examples of minor issues are: adjustment in colour, registration is not properly aligned, or density is too high/low.  These will be rectified free of charge.  Once the prototype has been approved, the project goes to production and you will be liable for the invoice associated with the project.  NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Should you need DBES to make major changes to a digitized prototype THEN Editing Charges will be added to your invoice at the rate of $8.00 per 1000 stitches.  Examples of major changes are: re-shaping in part or in whole of the Logo, changing colours, part of or all text, changing size, etc

Should you need DBES to produce a logo or alter an image you have provided to DBES THEN Artwork set-up will be added to your invoice.  The Artwork rate is $25.00 an hour.